It’s the best and the toughest of times for the mobile industry in the face of vast technology and financial upheaval, Vodafone Ireland’s new CEO Jeroen Hoencamp says.
Jeroen Hoencamp’s face is the picture of perfect calm as he describes the enormous challenges facing mobile operators.
According to the new CEO in charge of the largest mobile operator in Ireland, the challenges are thus: falling ARPU (average revenue per user); proving the investment case for next-generation broadband; a recessionary environment that has impacted every industry; and end users who are consuming vaster amounts of data via smartphones, tablet computers and other devices.
“There are two things certain in the future of mobile in Ireland: there will be consolidation and as a result fewer dedicated network operators; and there will be more mobile brands as mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) target specific niche markets.”
Read more of ‘New Vodafone CEO interview: Perfect mobile storm’ at Digital 21.
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