Ever wondered about the impact apps and devices like the iPad are having on the classroom in 2012. Many students this year will start their school year using tablet computers. A new infographic reveals that 1.5m iPads are being used in classrooms and that there are 20,000 education apps available.
According to the infographic from LearnStuff.com reveals that while 70pc of children aged between 2 and 5 can use a computer mouse, only 11pc of them can tie their own shoelaces.
In the US, 98pc of classrooms have internet access.
Students themselves appear to prefer tablets over textbooks and 90pc believe tablets help them to study more efficiently.
The digital natives appear to read more books on tablet computers – in terms of books read per year, 15 are non-tablet and 24 are e-books.
In third level Twitter feeds have become the new blackboards – two-thirds of professors use social media sites as a teaching aid and 84pc of schools used Twitter to send up-to-date announcements to students.