The International Trade Commission (ITC) has ruled that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 games console doesn’t infringe patent rights belonging to Google’s recently acquired Motorola Mobility unit.
The patent in question relates to the wireless communication between the Xbox and accessories like the controller and wireless headset.
The case originally involved at least five other patents, including video decoding.
“We are pleased with the Administrative Law Judge’s finding that Microsoft did not violate Motorola’s patent and are confident that this determination will be affirmed by the Commission,” Microsoft corporate vice president and deputy general counsel David Howard stated.
Judge David Shaw’s ruling is subject to a review by the ITC.
The ITC has the power to ban imports of products that contravene patent rights and it is understood that Google, which is disappointed by the ruling, can petition the ITC.
Motorola filed its complaint against Microsoft to the ITC in 2010 in retaliation for Microsoft demanding royalties on phones using the Google Android operating system.
It subsequently obtained an exclusion order preventing Motorola Mobility using Microsoft’s ActiveSync technology in its devices.