Twitter’s home page currently offers a platform for users to log into their accounts and little else. But that might be about to change as the social network plots to roll out a lush new offering.
As reported by Re/code, Twitter is testing a new landing page that will feature streams of tweets from different categories in an attempt to lure those with no accounts to sign up.
Non-users will be invited to open categories such as News, Sports and Arts & Culture, before viewing tailored content on more specific topics.
This new system is to replace the old single photo design, a Twitter rep confirmed.
It’s been a busy week for the social media behemoth. Just yesterday, Twitter unveiled plans for a new revenue stream that will see its core ‘Promoted Tweet’ appear on other sites and services, starting with Flipboard and Yahoo! Japan. The company hopes to make it possible for this content to flow seamlessly from Twitter to other mediums, such as TV, websites and mobile apps.