Facebook Connect already makes it possible for members to sign into other websites using their Facebook identity, but its new Live Stream Box brings this one step further by adding live comments to real-time events.
An example of how this can benefit third-party sites, from the Facebook developers site, is how the TNT online sports TV service embeds the Live Stream Box into its live video page (pictured), allowing viewers to sign in with their Facebook ID and let other commenters see their status update.
This also filters through to a user’s own Facebook homepage, with a link back to the event page that members were on, so regular Facebook friends can see what they are up to.
Live Stream Box is large-scale, as well as real-time – it can support millions of simultaneous users, allowing participants to see what the general audience is saying, or just switch over to watch their friends’ general commentary while still on the third-party site.
In other news, Facebook is looking into new privacy controls that will give members more control over who exactly can see their private updates within the network. This will be done by allowing members to customise posts to different friends groups. (That way, you can tell college or work buddies that you’re feeling slightly hungover, without running the risk of your lecturer or boss finding out.)
By Marie Boran