The cloud is fast becoming mainstream. It’s a compelling alternative to running all applications within a traditional corporate data centre. But, as more and more information on individuals and companies is placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is.
The 2010 Cloud Computing Summit is an event is designed for business and IT executive decision makers who are using or evaluating moving IT requirements to an on-demand environment. Our speakers, a mix of independent experts, end users, entrepreneurs and cloud vendors will address the hottest issues in deploying cloud computing:
– Ahead in the Cloud – The Power of Infrastructure as a Service – lessons learned from building one of the world’s largest distributed systems, Amazon.com.
– How to achieve seamless Migration to the Cloud – find out how cloud computing can be integrated into any organisation.
– The Economics of Cloud Computing – factors you need to consider when making financial decisions about on-demand options.
– Security in the Cloud – find out how you can identify whether a cloud provider is as security conscious as they could be.
– Cloud Risks, Challenges and Governance – discover how to mitigate against the inherent risks of on-demand environments.
– End-User Experiences – hear practical advice from organisations using cloud computing platforms – the challenges, pitfalls to avoid, and choosing vendors.
The 2010 Cloud Computing Summit takes place on 9 September at Croke Park in Dublin. Click here to book your spot at the event.