Looking for your dream job in the world of biopharma? We sought out some top tips from those already working in the industry.
In such a competitive industry, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. SiliconRepublic.com sought out some top advice from biopharma professionals at the annual NIBRT Careers in Biopharma event.
Eurofins’ Lydia Slattery advised candidates to ensure that their CV is clear and has all the techniques needed for the role you’re applying for.
“Then, when you get accepted on an interview, ensure that you have the knowledge to be able to describe the type of experience you have in those various different types of techniques.”
She also said it’s important to be open and flexible when it comes to the roles you’re applying for. “You might have a background in chemistry but there might be opportunities in a biochemistry lab that you can be open to too.”
Words by Jenny Darmody