A site set up on a whim to send glitter to your enemies anonymously has been sold for US$85,000, with its creator pleading with people to ‘stop buying this horrible product’.
Online revenge sites have been popping up in recent years that offer the rather simple service of sending some undesirable item – including human waste – to people that the buyer may not particularly like, all under the veil of anonymity.
Now it seems one recent incarnation, Ship Your Enemies Glitter, has become too much for its creator, 22-year-old Australian Matthew Carpenter, who after just two weeks became overwhelmed by the number of orders and decided to sell the site, according to The Guardian.
Selling his site on the online website trading platform Flippa, Carpenter found himself the centre of attention during a bidding war that saw him claim the US$85,000 – this is a considerable achievement, given he started with nothing more than a PayPal account and a well-designed website.
Promotional image for Ship Your Enemies Glitter via shipyourenemiesglitter.com
Despite starting it as a joke, Carpenter found himself inundated after just four days with US$20,000-worth of orders before deciding enough was enough, and halting his business.
He has since set-up another site where he went as far as begging people to stop placing orders, “Hi guys, I’m the founder of this website. Please stop buying this horrible glitter product – I’m sick of dealing with it. Sincerely, Mat.”
Glitter image via Shutterstock