Apple’s ‘Gigantic’ new Pixies ad showcases iPhone’s best apps (video)

23 Apr 2014

Apple’s marketing genius continues to be in overdrive and the company has just issued a video ad with the Pixies song Gigantic to showcase a number of outstanding apps for the iPhone.

Published just yesterday the video is beginning to become a viral hit with some 160,000 views so far.

Emphasising the usefulness of the iPhone for a host of things, especially music and creativity, the apps showcased include one that already trumps a so-called unique feature in the new Samsung Galaxy S5, the heartbeat monitor.

The apps include Instant Heart Rate, Word Lens, Star Walk, AmpliTube, Luminair and Pacific Rim.

The clever video ad shows a musician using his phone to tune his bass, a woman playing a virtual violin to an artistic backdrop, a young drummer measuring her beats to people using their iPhones for a variety of conventional purposes, all the while building up to the song’s chorus “Gigantic, Gigantic, Gigantic …”

All in all it harks back to some of Apple’s best and original videos, cleverly rekindling loyalty to the tech giant’s iconic iPhone family.



John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years