If you want to keep your Twitter followers, then don’t make a lot of noise. Too much noise is the top reason why most Twitter users (52pc of them) unfollow accounts, a new infographic shows.
The infographic designed by DK New Media and published on Visual.ly presents data supplied by eConsultance from a ‘TwitPoll’ about why Twitter users opt out of wanting to know news and views from other Twitter users.
The blue Twitter bird helps illustrate the infographic, lending a comical air to the poll results.
The poll findings reveal the second reason why users of the microblogging site are unfollowed is because of too much self-promotion, with that move turning off 48pc of users.
In the No 3 spot is posting too much spam, which makes 47pc of Twitter users silence tweets from an account. Next is not being interesting enough (43pc) and too much repetition (29pc).
In addition to 10 more reasons for unfollowing people on Twitter, the infographic also includes other reasons directly from individual Twitter users themselves:
“People who RT (retweet) their #FFs … This makes me apoplectic,” says one Twitter user. (#FF is ‘Follow Friday’, and is about promoting a Twitter user and helping them obtain followers).
“Swearing, ie, people who need to wash their mouth out or buy a dictionary,” and “Bypassing the 140 character limit by splitting into separate tweets” are more reasons that prompt Twitter users to ditch other Twitter users.
Read all of the reasons here: