The competition to be crowned the Dublin Web Summit’s best start-up for 2013 is on. We talked to the co-founder of one contender, WikiBrains, coming all the way from Israel to introduce us to a new kind of search.
WikiBrains has been spurred on by ed-tech accelerator MindCET, which was established almost two years ago as an independent spin-out of Israel’s Center for Educational Technology (CET). The ed-tech scene has attracted a lot of interest from the tech community of late, while Tel Aviv has become known as a hub of promising start-up activity – no surprise then that WikiBrains has been selected to pitch at this year’s Summit.
Co-founder León Markovitz explains how the platform allows you to search for connections between queries. To demonstrate their work in action, they created interactive ‘maps’ plotting the connections between start-ups, judges, speakers and countries represented here at the Summit today.
Illustration by Think Visual