A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.
“Beautiful day, am expecting locusts and snow by 3pm.”
– Pat Phelan, director of products and innovation, MAXROAM
“If you deleted every message in your inbox, how many people would notice?”
– Bill Liao, social networking entrepreneur and philanthropist
“Crap, I burnt my salad. I’m sure I’m doing this wrong.”
– Damien Mulley, owner of Mulley Communications and organiser of the Web Awards and Social Media Awards
“Attention Los Angeles! I shall be in you Thursday-Sunday. Epic brunching shall occur. Who’s in?”
– Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine
“Oh man, what do I do with founders who use the term ‘Secret Sauce’ more than 2x in an interview …?”
– Courtney Boyd Meyers, features editor of The Next Web
“At the Rosewood and just passed Bill Gates and John Doerr. I am clearly headed to the wrong event …”
– Sarah Lacy, reporter and senior editor at TechCrunch
“If I haven’t seen a fresh email in 10 minutes I just assume email servers are down. This makes me very sad.”
– Tim Stevens, Engadget’s editor-in-chief
“Hey, April, stop being so f—ing busy.”
– Zach Epstein, executive editor at BGR Media, LLC
“Okay, going to make a drink and catch up on Mad Men. I love you all, and I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
– Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief of The Verge
“Be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle.”
– Art Jonak, CEO, Network Professionals