Still from 'Ohio State Marching Band "Michael Jackson Tribute" - Halftime vs. Iowa: 10-19-13' by OSUBuckeyeTV on YouTube
We take a look at some of the most-viewed and most-shared videos on the web. This week features both a proud dad and a teasing dad, plus a bullet time photobooth, a scary stickman, a prank gone bad in Crumlin, a Michael Jackson marching band tribute and the goal that made Stephanie Roche a social media sensation.
About 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, 500 years of video watched on Facebook every day, and more than 700 YouTube videos shared on Twitter each minute, ensuring there is always video trending on the web.
With so much video available for viewing, we take a look at some of the viral videos that have caught our eye this week.
Dad’s tantrum
This video of a dad lip syncing to his six-year-old girl’s tantrum was first uploaded earlier this month, but some recognition on Tastefully Offensive brought it to the world’s attention and saw its view count shoot up to over 2.8m at the time of writing. Because it’s hilarious.
Uploaded: 11 October 2013
The ultimate smartphone photobooth
What happens when you take 130 HTC One smartphones, arrange them in a spiral and ready them to shoot photographs in sync? Well, you will have created the ‘ultimate smartphone photobooth’ generating a 360-degree view of a single image. The purpose of this video is to demonstrate the power behind Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors (which you’ll find powering a number of high-end smartphone and tablet devices), but in essence it’s a super-cool way to mimic The Matrix’s famous ‘bullet time’ moment.
Uploaded: 21 October 2013
Baby LED light suit
This coming week will see kids everywhere dressing up as goblins, ghouls and all sorts of ghastly creatures. But we think it’ll be hard for anyone to top this LED stick-man costume modelled by a 22-month-old baby girl. Delightfully disturbing in the dark.
Uploaded: 22 October 2013
Passing maths
Over 2m people have tuned into see Aria Shahrokhshahi and his dad Farnoosh celebrate his maths result. The teenager admits he has “never been amazing academically” but recognised the importance of at least obtaining a C grade in maths after failing the previous year. When the results arrive, you can see from this proud papa’s reaction that his hard work paid off.
Uploaded: 21 October 2013
Water meter sketch
Few of us are looking forward to the oncoming roll-out of water meters in every home and RTÉ’s Jennifer Maguire decided to prey on this fear for the new series of her hidden camera show. Unfortunately, this homeowner’s reaction was more than she bargained for, and we reckon it was Maguire that left the situation with a case of The Fear. The lesson is simple: don’t mess with Crumlin.
Uploaded: 22 October 2013
Ohio State marching band’s Michael Jackson tribute
It takes a really great viral video to command over 10 minutes of our attention, but this half-time show from Ohio State University’s marching band is so impressively precise, we’d watch it again!
Uploaded: 19 October 2013
Goal of the season
Finally, we leave you with this fabulous spot of footwork from Peamount United FC’s Stephanie Roche against Wexford Youths FC in the Women’s National League. Roche’s juggle and volley is as good as any from the Zlatan Ibrahimovićs of the sporting world and has even been dubbed a contender for goal of the decade by Eurosport. Go on my… son?
Uploaded: 19 October 2013
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