Alexander Osterwalder in Dublin Castle today
Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas is today employed by companies worldwide, from Ericsson to General Electric, but it all began as a PhD dissertation back in the mid-Noughties. Osterwalder was in Dublin today and spoke to Ann O’Dea.
What began as a PhD dissertation back in 2006 turned into the best-selling book, Business Model Generation, co-authored with his original PhD supervisor Yves Pigneur. Osterwalder tells us that in recent years in working with start-ups and large organisations, he noticed many tended to be very product and technology focused when it came to innovation, whereas he said they need to be thinking of business model innovation.
He said the big change in recent years is the shelf-life of business models. “They expire very quickly. Look at the pharmaceutical industry, look at the music industry, look at news and media. They have had to re-invent themselves,” he said.
Watch the full video interview below:
Here is also a nice simple explanation of the Business Model Canvas.
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