Google is celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a lively Doodle of traditional Irish dancers wearing the letters of the search engine’s name and doing their best Riverdance.
The delightful Doodle on the Google homepage today strays away from the brand’s usual colour scheme opting for plenty of green and gold instead. The animated dancers’ legs move rapidly and they leap in unison while keeping their upper halves poker straight, just like the pros. In fact, the blonde buachaill in the centre could well be Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley himself.
To thoroughly enjoy this Doodle, I recommend this soundtrack as you watch the tireless dancers’ neverending jig.
With St Patrick’s Day in full swing, parades have taken place across the world to pay tribute to Ireland’s patron saint. The mayor of San Francisco even managed to be part of two parades, marching in person in Cork city and virtually leading his hometown’s parade using Cisco TelePresence.
We kicked off the weekend’s St Patrick’s Day festivities with a look at some memes made for the occasion. And, while mistaking St Paddy’s Day for St Patty’s Day is a sure sign of a plastic Paddy, we also tried out the Paddy Proof app to test our Irishness and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support in the process.