ISYS Search Software, specialists in embedded search and federated access solutions, has announced that Sybase has selected its ISYS Document Filters solution for text analytics in Sybase IQ.
At the recent The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) conference in San Diego, US, Sybase announced its intention to enter into an agreement with ISYS under which Sybase will resell ISYS Document Filters (an embeddable set of connectors for extracting text from a comprehensive library of file, container and email formats) as a key component for text analytics in Sybase IQ (a database management software server).
Combined with the new text analytics features in version 15.2 of Sybase IQ, ISYS Document Filters address the unique unstructured text extraction and information access needs of analytic applications, including e-discovery, fraud detection and forensic analysis.
Details about ISYS Document Filters and the entire ISYS Enterprise Access Suite can be found here.