Tech tweets of the week

6 Aug 2011

A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.

“I will never understand the complaining about free internships. If you don’t like it, just ignore it.
–      Dylan Collins, founder of various online games/internet companies

“Foursquare should do an ‘Opening Day’ badge you get on a new business’ first day. Fun for users; helps merchants create buzz and traffic.”
–      John Collison, entrepreneur, co-founder of Stripe

“Lesson learned the hard way. Don’t play Mexican music in the office.”
–      James Whelton, tech entrepreneur and first person to hack the iPod Nano

“Blackberry announces 5 New models, do they come with MySpace app preloaded?”
–      Pat Phelan, director of products and innovation, MAXROAM

“Thinking of Dell teams & all our customers who are rebuilding in tornado-stricken areas – it’s not over, still much work, we are with you.”
–      Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell

“Listening to the Beatles Anthology 2 and working through my email. Going forward, trying to take action on all within 24 hours.”
–      Jack Dorsey, creator, co-founder and executive chairman of Twitter; CEO of Square

“So, hang on, they have > 10 million Google+ accounts, and they’re checking them manually for “funny names”? How ever do they have the time?”
–      Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine

“If you argue with an idiot you’ve already lost…”
–      Bill Liao, social networking entrepreneur and philanthropist