Tomorrow, a group of intrepid youngsters known as the Resistors will be battling the powers of evil using their science skills and knowledge in order to save Ireland from being taken over by a bunch of hackers.
The Resistors is an animated feature film created on behalf of the Dublin-based Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research (CTVR) and is hoping to get young children interested in science, engineering and technology.
Professor Donal O’Mahony, the director of CTVR, said: “The sustained development of the Irish knowledge economy in the coming years will depend on our continuing to have a pool of graduate talent in the science, engineering and advanced technology disciplines to support inward investment.
“This is why it’s essential for us to start encouraging kids right now to take an interest in science and to help them appreciate that science can be fun and cool.
The film is aimed at the 8-12-year-old category and will follow the adventures of Luc, Sonia, Amber and Dig who will teach children more about light, sound, electricity and ICT.
At the end of the film children are encouraged to visit the official website to learn more about science and technology through animated shorts and interactive games.
Simon Hegarty of Rumble Studios, who created the animation, said: “This is the first time anyone in Ireland has undertaken such an ambitious project.
“We had to devise some pretty novel production methods to create this volume of high-quality product within the budget. But we feel that the end result is a movie that will really resonate with kids in the 8-12 age group.”
The film will be broadcast on TG4 at 4.15pm tomorrow.
By Marie Boran