How will the fourth industrial revolution impact nations such as Ireland?

Gary O’Callaghan, Siemens Ireland CEO, told that he believes the adoption of industry 4.0 is a global challenge. However, he also believes Ireland can play an important role thanks to the Irish Government’s endeavours, including the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund.

O’Callaghan is equally passionate about the development of the energy grid in the context of decentralisation, decarbonisation and digitalisation, and how microgrids in industrial parks and residential areas could inform the future shape, sharing and consumption of energy.

“Siemens has been in existence for 173 years and our purpose then is the same as our purpose today: we make real what matters. And that’s what we’ve been doing since 1874 when Siemens came to Ireland to lay the first transatlantic cable.”


Words by John Kennedy