Struggling with distractions as you settle into working from home? These tips could help you stay productive when your mind starts to wander.
Productivity and mindfulness have always been important for our working lives, no matter the location. But now that many of us have been faced with working from home for the foreseeable future, we may have a whole new environment to not only get accustomed to, but in which we must continue to carry out our duties to the best of our abilities.
Productivity can be a tricky thing at the best of times. When we’re in our usual office space, we have a very distinct line between our workplace and our home, allowing us to separate those two things more easily and get into the necessary mindset when we arrive at our desk.
But when we’re asked to transition that mindset to our home, it can be challenging. I only have space to do my work in my bedroom, for example, which means that I’m surrounded by the things I’d typically associate with relaxing at the end of the day.
Although I’m not around my colleagues, I live with housemates that I have to be aware of and a new litany of different distractions, from the Nintendo Switch to the TV and even the inviting pull of my bed.
And while there are benefits to having comforts and familiarity around you, it’s often more difficult to stop your mind from wandering away from your work.
Headway Capital has created an infographic that might help. According to the company, a wandering mind isn’t just harmful to your productivity – it can also negatively impact your overall mood.
The infographic outlines nine things to try if you’re noticing a drop in your focus levels as a result of working from home. Its tips include adding a “deliberate distraction”, such as instrumental music, or giving meditation and breathing work a go.
Check out the infographic below or click here to view it as a larger image.

9 ways to focus a wandering mind. Image: Headway Capital
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