Are you hoping to move up the ladder at work? Good news: that promotion doesn’t necessarily have to involve working harder.
When discussing the world of work, and careers, one hears a lot of references to climbing the ladder. This is because few people get into a job and want to stay in that exact same role, at that exact same level, for the rest of their life. Promotion is almost always a goal on the horizon.
Pursuing and getting a promotion is an incredible validation, signifying not only that you are good at your job, but that your talent is recognised and rewarded.
And yet, seeking a promotion can feel daunting for some. Setting aside confidence-destroyers such as imposter syndrome and general self-doubt, there is a perception that one has to work significantly harder than usual to earn a promotion.
Perhaps you feel that, were you deserving of a promotion, you would already have been offered one. As a result, you might feel like you have to up your game and go into overdrive – working harder, for longer hours – to land that next job up the ladder.
However, that’s not necessarily the case.
Of course, if you’re coasting through your job, half-assing all of your tasks and projects, working a little harder would very much be required to move on to the next stage of your career. (Though, if that’s how you’re approaching your work, you should probably be asking yourself some questions about how suited you are to the company and the job you’re in.)
In all other cases, “working smarter with the time you have is a much more efficient and effective way to get ahead”, according to the below infographic from CashNetUSA.
Offering up 10 tips for those seeking promotions at work, this covers everything from understanding what your company actually cares about, to using internal networking to your advantage, to building your soft skills.
So go forth and land the promotion of your dreams. We’re rooting for you!

How to get a promotion in 10 easy steps (up the ladder). Infographic: CashNetUSA. Click to view full-size.