Chip giant Intel has reported that it is currently tracking to hit 43.3pc diverse hires in 2015, exceeding its goal of 40pc in the US by 2015.
In its 2015 Mid-Year Inclusion Report, Intel reported that more African-Americans and women are working at Intel today than there were at the beginning the year.
It also reported that more women and underrepresented minorities are in leadership (vice presidents and senior fellows) today than at the start of the year.
By the end of 2014, the representation of women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans was 23.5pc, 3.4pc, 8.3pc, and 0.5pc, respectively.
At leadership level, representation of women and of women and underrepresented minorities was 15.4pc and 4.8pc respectively.
Intel said that this was good progress “but not enough”.
‘Our intention is to do all we can to collaborate and share openly so that what we all desire becomes the reality’
Intel’s chief diversity officer Rosalind Hudnell said: “We have made critical progress in increasing our hiring of underrepresented populations.
“But even with that, the pool of female, African-American, Hispanic, and Native Americans pursuing careers in engineering and computer science must increase, not just for the sake of Intel’s hiring needs, but the competitiveness of our nation.
“Intel has had a longstanding commitment to education, and our efforts now are even more focused on driving collective investments at the high school, community college, and higher education levels to generate a meaningful impact over the next five years.”
Towards a goal of full inclusion
As well as focusing internally on changing the ratio on diversity, Intel has reached US$117m in spending with global diverse suppliers and is on track to achieve its 2015 goal of US$250 million in spending.
Intel also has a US$125m goal to invest in diverse entrepreneurs and so far this year has made four investments at US$17m and has identified two more that will be revealed later in the year.
“Our industry has a lot of work to do and it can best be done together,” Hudnell said.
“What I have been so personally struck by since January is the genuine pride and desire of our employees who are coming together to help improve.
“People of many backgrounds are committed to Intel’s goal and see the value of working in an environment of full inclusion.
“Our intention is to do all we can to collaborate and share openly so that what we all desire becomes the reality.”