With its vast natural resources, clusters of ICT industries and research capabilities, Ireland could leapfrog industrialised nations and capture first mover advantage in a 21st-century industry.
JOINED-UP PLANNING – Properly regulated licensing and planning decisions could make it easier and more streamlined for overseas investors and indigenous entrepreneurs to set up renewable energy facilities.
WIND POWER – Already 15pc of Ireland’s electricity usage is powered by hilltop wind farms. If the planning and licensing infrastructure is streamlined this could grow to 25pc in three to five years.
WAVE POWER – Already Scotland is providing parts of London with energy generated by waves off its coast. This is a market that Ireland, with 16pc of Europe’s coastline, could easily serve, especially if the UK is facing an energy deficit in coming years.
For more on ‘Ireland: an exemplar for the green economy globally’, go to Digital 21.
The Green Economy – A Business & Leadership Briefing
Ireland’s business leaders are gathering on 14 May to hear sustainability experts discuss the future of business, finance and investment within this new environmental reality, and we will look at how technology will be a key enabler in a more sustainable, prosperous future for all. Learn more about this event.
By John Kennedy
www.digital21.ie – Digital 21 is a campaign to highlight the imperative of creating an action programme to secure the digital infrastructure and services upon which the success of our economy depends.