An AI figure uses a laptop to job search, representing the AI involved in employment. There is a board with maths in the background.
Image: © SummitArtCreations/

Job candidates want to know if AI is assessing them, survey finds

26 Jun 2024

Nearly three-quarters of employers think that reviewing CVs remains the most effective way to screen candidates.

A survey published today (26 June) by recruitment agency Hays Ireland has found that 80pc of respondents want to be informed when AI technologies are being used to assess job applications. 

The research involved more than 1,000 employers and employees across Ireland, working in both the private and public sectors. The survey found that more than half (54pc) of organisations share information around the use of AI with candidates during the recruitment process, with 14pc of employers revealing that they use AI screening tools to evaluate job applicants.

Of the organisations involved in the survey, one-third use AI in the workplace and more than three-quarters (78pc) of organisations anticipate allowing staff to utilise AI tools in the future. As a result, Hays advised organisations to share clear AI regulations that offer certainty and clarity on how and where AI tools will be used. 

Tools used can include the scanning and ranking of CVs to identify the most suitable candidate based on the job description; however, previous surveys, such as the 2024 Candidate Experience Report, have shed light on some of the fears around AI in the hiring process, including potential biases hardwired into the AI systems.

Additionally, there is somewhat of a generational gap still when it comes to embracing AI, as only 18pc of respondents aged 50 and up have used AI themselves to simplify applying for a job, compared to almost 32pc of 18-24 year olds.

The survey highlights the importance of tailoring CVs to each job you apply for as 70pc of employers think that reviewing CV is the most effective assessment format when screening applications.

Managing director of Hays Ireland, Maureen Lynch explained that, when leveraged correctly, AI tools can have a significant impact on employers and employees, enhancing and improving work.

She acknowledged the hesitancy some people may have in using AI tools without the approval of their employers, noting this often arises from a lack of understanding of how AI can be used in the workplace “or fear of being perceived as overly reliant on technology”. 

“As organisations become more comfortable with AI tools and implement clear policies that facilitate the integration of AI in the workplace, usage of AI tools in the workplace is likely to increase,” said Lynch. 

“Clear communication on how AI tools are used is essential for both employees and employers to find a balance between leveraging AI and maintaining high-quality work.”

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Laura Varley
By Laura Varley

Laura Varley is a Careers reporter at Silicon Republic. She has a background in technology PR and journalism and is borderline obsessed with film and television, the theatre, Marvel and Mayo GAA. She is currently trying to learn how to knit.

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