Dun & Bradsteet’s Dublin technology operations are set to grow to 150 staff by the end of the year as the company reveals that 50 new positions are to be created in the world’s top provider of commercial information to decision makers.
The company is ramping up its recruitment drive here, creating 150 jobs before the end of next year rather than the 100 jobs announced in February.
D&B Business Information Solutions Limited (DBIS) already employs 40 workers in highly skilled positions in Sandyford, Dublin, after setting up a strategic business centre earlier this year.
Today’s announcement means the company will employ 150 workers in the centre before the end of next year.
Recruitment is now under way for researchers, software developers, analysts and support staff.
The move follows D&B’s announcement that it will undertake a two-year strategic technology investment programme to strengthen its commercial data and rebuild its technology platforms to meet the emerging needs of customers.
The project is supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland.
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Batt O’Keeffe said the extra jobs showed investor confidence in Ireland’s capacity to recover was strong because the Government is pursuing the right policies for a return to economic growth in the near term.
“D&B’s decision to ramp up its recruitment drive shows confidence to hire and to invest is returning to the economy and our high-calibre graduates are exceeding the expectations of global market leaders.
“I was very encouraged by a recent meeting I held with senior members of the DBIS team and today’s announcement aligns well with Government policy to position Ireland as the top European location for innovation-led knowledge-intensive global business services.
“The company’s decision to locate a strategic centre in Dublin and recruit for more positions endorses our global standing in the international services sector and prospects for economic recovery,” said O’Keeffe.
Walter S Hauck III, senior vice-president, technology and chief Information officer in D&B, said: “DBIS is using leading-edge technologies that will allow a new D&B suite of products to be delivered to customers quickly and efficiently.
“This project is of major significance and commercial importance to D&B and it forms an integral part of the future strategy of the corporation.
“The Dublin centre will focus on and deliver the next evolution of our technology strategy, delivering maximum value to customers around the world.”
IDA Ireland chief executive Barry O’Leary said: ‘In recent years, Ireland has been building a growing and diversified business services cluster, particularly in the operations, analytics and technology areas.
“IDA’s Horizon 2020 highlighted the growth in business services as a key area of opportunity for Ireland.
“D&B is a world leader in business information solutions and its recent decision to locate a strategically important part of its global operations in Ireland which is now significantly larger than originally envisaged is very welcome indeed,” said O’Leary.
For information on these positions, email dnb@premiergroup.ie