If a new report from Juniper Research is accurate, the amount of devices connected online with 5G speeds will hit 240m by 2025, but only 3pc of the world will actually have access to it.
While 4G speeds are still only now beginning to become standard on some mobile phone networks, network providers and researchers are already working on the next step in evolution, 5G.
In many ways, the 1Gbps speeds that would be achievable on a 5G connection are not only considered an eventual goal in terms of progressing as a technology, but rather one that will be necessary to facilitate the changing environment brought on by the internet of things (IoT).
According to the Juniper Research report, the many advantages that 5G will bring not only includes higher data transfer speeds, but also longer battery life, greater user and device support, and reduced latency.
All of this will aid in the creation of a faster, larger IoT network, which by 2020 has already been estimated to number 38.5bn connected devices.
Where Asia leads, the others will follow
To do this, however, the researchers involved in the report believe it is crucial that we get the spectrum issues right, if 5G is to be a success.
“It is critical to 5G’s success that the most feasible and appropriate spectrum bands are assigned, not only to support existing high bandwidth and capacity requirements, but also the wide-ranging devices and applications contributing towards [IoT]”, said research author Nitin Bhas.
Much like the rollout of 4G, Japan and South Korea are expected to be the first countries to offer 5G capability to the public given that the country’s network providers have already begun discussions on a date for its launch.
At least for Ireland, we can rest a bit easier with the knowledge that Irish researchers are leading Europe’s push to introduce 5G speeds through the CogNet (Cognitive Networks) project.
Mobile phone tower image via Shutterstock