Dublin-based software firm I-conX Solutions has sealed a key deal with Vodafone in Quatar to deploy its routing optimisation software.
I-conX’s software integrates seamlessly with the interconnect billing system the company has also provided to Vodafone Qatar.
The common deployment allows Vodafone Qatar users to access all functionalities from a single login, GUI and harmonised set of reference data to achieve the maximum productivity gains available.
“Tight control of call quality is of extreme importance to Vodafone Qatar as a way to maintain high levels of retail customer satisfaction,” Vodafone Qatar’s head of Roaming and Interconnect Marc Hilhorst explained.
“The I-conX RO solution gives us sophisticated analytic and reporting tools in the Quality domain with rapid-response capability, and these allow us to identify and manage negative quality issues confidently long before they can impact on customers.
“Alongside the existing billing solution, I-conX now provides us with a trusted ASP (application service provider) delivery service across our wholesale billing, settlement and routing space. The additional RO solution was thoroughly tested in live operations and met all its objectives comfortably,” Hilhorst said.