Monaghan IT Forum to help county exploit potential of IT

2 May 2012

Businesses in Monaghan are being encouraged to attend a conference next week in Castleblaney aimed at helping them revitalise their business and enable economic recovery in the region through information technology.

The conference, which will take place on 9 May at the Glencarn Hotel in Castleblaney, will be attended by the Minister for State for the NewEra Project Fergus O’Dowd, TD. The event will have case studies from local companies who have used IT to streamline their systems and develop new services.

Free to attend and open to all interested parties, the conference will also look at the availability of broadband in the country.

One of the conference’s organisers, John Harrington, explained the aim is to help local businesses use technology to help themselves and grow out of the recession.

According to the IEDR, just 66pc of Irish businesses had a website by 2009, in comparison to the year 2000 when 40pc of Irish businesses had migrated online.

Of the 66pc that were online in 2009, the IEDR said only 21pc had any e-commerce capability. The registry said this was just a 3pc leap since 2000.

John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years