Financial results and technology events taking place the week of 24-28 May.
Monday, 24 May:
ITW 2010 – International Telecom Week
International Telecoms Week is the meeting point for the international telecoms wholesale community – each year more than 4,000 delegates from nearly 1,300 companies and from more than 130 countries meet in Washington, DC, to buy and sell voice and data products and services.
Tuesday, 25 May:
Come along and join SugarCRM co-founder Clint Oram for a morning and discover how SugarCRM is helping more than 500,000 users manage their customers, generate more sales, increase leads and boost productivity.
Wednesday, 26 May:
InterTradeIreland Venture Capital Conference 2010
Meet investors with access to more than £275million worth of funds!
Human-Machine Improvisations (Cork, 2010)
A unique and exciting on-stage meeting between human and machine improvisers takes place on 26 May 2010 at Blackrock Castle Observatory (Cork, Ireland).
Public Sector Transformation Through Shared Services – A Case Study
Barry Lowry, who leads the IT Assist Program in the Department of Finance and Pensions in Northern Ireland, will outline how the transformation to a shared services model has radically changed and improved how IT services are managed and delivered, creating significant stakeholder value and satisfaction (Government, IT staff, NICS staff, citizens and suppliers).
Thursday, 27 May:
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Executive Briefing
Drive profitability with Microsoft’s Business Management Solution.
This free event will introduce the key elements of LTE+, then survey the ongoing activity in the area in Ireland, covering Government strategy, academic research and industrial activity.
Real World Cube Design & Performance Tuning with Analysis Services 2008
This course is targeted at BI Developers who have at least three months’ experience of working with SQL Server Analysis Services.
Friday, 28 May:
There are no events scheduled for this day.
Do you have a tech event coming up?