Simon Wardley addresses the OSCON conference in 2011. Photo courtesy of James Duncan Davidson/O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Many of Ireland’s tech leaders will join international keynotes at the first Cloud Capital Forum to be hosted by Silicon Republic on 23 November 2012, at the Convention Centre Dublin.
The first confirmed keynote is Simon Wardley, of the independent think-tank the Leading Edge Forum. Voted as one of the UK’s Top 50 Most Influential People in IT in ComputerWeekly‘s 2011 poll, Wardley’s research focus is on the intersection of IT strategy and new technologies. His recent research covers subjects including Learning from Web 2.0 and A Lifecycle Approach to Cloud Computing. As a geneticist with a love of mathematics and a fascination with economics, Wardley is a passionate advocate and researcher in the fields of open source, commoditisation, innovation, organisational structure and cybernetics.
Wardley is also a regular presenter at conferences worldwide, like OSCON and the Cloud Computing World Forum. TheNextWeb cites Wardley in its ’25 Most Influential People Tweeting About Cloud Computing’.
Keynote speakers will join leaders from some of Ireland’s key players in the sphere of cloud and big data, for lively panel discussions which will be mediated by broadcaster and author Matt Cooper, a regular MC at Silicon Republic events.
Other keynotes and panelists will be confirmed in coming weeks, but leadership panelists confirmed to date include:
• Martin Murphy, managing director, HP Ireland
• Brian Larkin, group operations director, Hibernia Evros
• Maurice Mortell, managing director Ireland, TelecityGroup
• Ray Walshe, director of Cloud Computing Research Centre (cloudCORE), DCU
• Anthony O’Mara, senior VP (EMEA), head of Global Business Operations, Trend Micro
• Alan Brown, business director, O2 (Telefónica Ireland)
The forum is kindly sponsored by IDA Ireland and DCU.
Keep an eye on the Cloud Capital Forum website as more keynotes and panelists will be announced in coming weeks.