Blog Digest

8 Jan 2009

When the New Year rolls around, we tend to make a list of resolutions as long as our arm, which inevitably results in wasted gym membership and exercise bikes gathering dust. Why not start with a few simple ideas this year, and use the blogosphere as inspiration as well as a place to find support and advice.

New Year’s Resolutions Blog

If you happen to be absolutely perfect, or so bewildered that you don’t know where to begin with your New Year’s resolutions, then a good starting point is a blog all about making and tracking resolutions.

Vowing to rise at 5am for yoga before eating tofu for breakfast sounds good on paper, but is the work of the devil on a cold winter morning.

Perhaps you want to fly in the face of convention? Then take a read of the post on five deliciously destructive New Year’s resolutions and how to succeed at them.© Silicon Republic Ltd 2008

No Smoking Blog

All smokers groan inwardly when the New Year rolls around because, let’s face it, this is one of the unhealthiest and counter-productive habits a person can have.

This blog is just one of a myriad out there that gives you somewhere to start if you want to kick the habit. If you want local support, make sure you check out Irish blogs to see if there are any bloggers you read regularly who might be beginning the same journey. After all, support is key. (pictured)

New Year’s resolutions are not always about improving the self – they are often a good way to ‘recalibrate’ our attitude to the world around us. Last year, talking about going green and being sustainable with small goals and the odd effort was sorta okay, but it doesn’t really cut the pesticide-free mustard anymore.

The GreenMe blog is a fantastic resource, so take the plunge today and make 2009 your green year. Start by finding out how to turn your Christmas tree  into mulch to spread some post-Christmas cheer over deserving plants!

Discover Walking

You don’t need gym membership to get fit. You don’t even need to invest in the Nintendo Wii Fit. Remember that good, old-fashioned pastime known as walking?

The thing about walking is that it can be a group or lone activity, it can be casual or fast-paced, and, best of all, it’s free!

The Discover Walking blog is a good resource, but if this is something you’d like to develop into a hobby, then check out, where you will find lots of information on walking tours and the different trails around the country.

By Marie Boran