Google has announced its second iteration of the Chromebook Pixel, coming in at around €940, but it’s only available in the US so far.
Soon to be released in the UK – next month, reportedly – the full international roll out has not been announced.
Making marked improvements on its battery life and adding a Type-C port, the new Pixel looks a major upgrade on its predecessor, but it is still a glorified browser, by the looks of things.
The port is soon to be rolled out across more Chromebooks and Android devices, claims Google, meaning Android users can rely on just one charger across their multiple items.
Indeed that’s something that Apple has been pressing for a while now, so clearly it’s an industry-wide shift away from older connections.
The screen clarity and resolution seems very impressive, with a revamped system now powered by the 5th-gen Intel i5 processor, with some spotting remarkable pixel improvements on the previous devices.
The inclusion of the i5 means the laptop barely generates heat, with battery life, in use, pencilled in at 12 hours.
There’s very little storage on the devices, 32gb on the standard issue, with 1tb of storage offered on Google Drive, the company clearly showing its hand on its push for greater cloud adoption.
There’s also a very bright looking 13-inch touchscreen, and a ‘Ludicrous Speed’ model for a few hundred euros more.
Pixel’s aren’t everybody’s cup of tea, but considering the global thirst for Apple’s incredibly niche releases, why not give Google its dues.