Make-A-Wish Ireland ambassador Martin King and John Tuohy, CEO, Nightline
Nightline has made an agreement with Make-A-Wish Ireland that €1 for every delivery made through its Parcel Motel service this Christmas will be donated to the wish-granting charity.
Parcel Motel is a 24/7 delivery service for online shoppers that consists of self-service terminals at various locations across Ireland. Shoppers can have their goods delivered to one of these units and collect them at a more convenient time.
With Irish shoppers expected to spend €420m online this Christmas, chances are the service will see plenty of use, helping to raise much-needed funds for the charity. “We are honoured that Nightline Parcel Motel has chosen to support Make-A-Wish this Christmas. The donations we receive are crucial to funding our existence and all that we do,” said Susan O’Dwyer, chief executive of Make-A-Wish Ireland.
The Make-A-Wish foundation grants wishes to children ages three to 17 with life-threatening medical conditions and funds raised will be used to grant the wishes of these children across Ireland.
“The magic of Christmas is synonymous with the magical experiences created by Make-A-Wish all throughout the year. Their great efforts touch the hearts of so many families across Ireland and at Nightline Parcel Motel we are privileged to be part of such a special campaign this Christmas,” said Nightline CEO John Tuohy.
There are now 55 Parcel Motel locations dotted throughout Ireland, with a further expansion of the service in Carlow, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Limerick, Mayo and Sligo to come in December.