WhatsApp is finally getting its formatting groove on, with the latest update adding a bit more emphasis to your whimsical chats.
A recent update to WhatsApp has left iOS users particularly pleased, with italic, bold and strikethrough options now available in chats.
The three options are becoming a regular feature on communication tools of late – and hark back to previous html iterations – with WhatsApp’s formatting along the lines of the likes of Slack.
By that we mean bolding up text requires the use of * before and after any text you want enhanced. For italics you use _ and for strikethrough you use ~.
You can double up, or even triple up, if you like. If you want to make a text appear in bold as well as italics, start and end your text with _* and *_. Similarly, to combine all three you wrap your text in ~_* and *_~.
It’s something WhatsApp has been messing around with for a while, with a beta version appearing in Google Play a few weeks back. But now it’s in the wild, but only on Apple products so far.
What that means is I can try all I like to bold up an insult to someone, but I can’t see the effect. If they’re on iOS, though, they can.
So WhatsApp for iOS v2.12.17 = good. WhatsApp for Android v 2.12.556 = not so much.
Main image of someone texting, via Shutterstock