There has been increasing demand in recent months for workers in the 3D-printing sector, according to information from online jobs platform 3D Printed Jobs.
There’s been a lot of talk recently about ‘the rise of the machines’ and the day all of us will be made redundant, replaced by robots that can do our jobs faster and better than we can.
The rise in positions for those with 3D-printing skills, however, would seem to indicate that, while it may not save jobs, continued innovation in the tech sector will create enough jobs to offset any loss due to obsolescence.
Advancements in 3D-printing capabilities have brought it into the public eye and have inspired a wide range of companies across a wide range of industries to begin seeking in-house employees with 3D-printing skills.
A spokesperson for 3D Printed Jobs, a site dedicated to jobs in the sector, explained the industry’s growth: “More and more companies are recognising the need to innovate. 3D printing is consistently delivering a new way to boost businesses.”
If we are seeing the early days of the 3D-printing revolution, perhaps 3D printers will soon become commonplace in offices.
The technology, as yet, still requires that human touch, meaning that, by and large, those positions are secure. And, if 3D-printing roles eventually get farmed out to robots, too, all we have to do is wait patiently for the next thing that only a human can do.
3D printer image, via Shutterstock