A new report from LinkedIn, which surveyed hundreds of employees across the country, has provided some revealing information on why professionals leave companies in Ireland.
Unhappiness with the work environment or culture, wanting more challenging work and, most prominently, a lack of promotion opportunities are the triggers that set professionals off on their job-seeking ways.
That’s according to LinkedIn’s Ireland Talent Trends 2016 report, recently published, with all three of the above citedreasons ranking well above the global average.
Moving jobs in Ireland
In surveying hundreds of Irish workers, as well as tens of thousands from around the world, money doesn’t feature in the top three concerns.
Indeed a lack of career advancement opportunities was given as a reason by 45pc of Irish respondents. Wanting more challenging work was cited by 39pc, a bad work culture by 33pc.
Other findings were that 90pc of Irish professionals surveyed are always happy to hear about new job opportunities, with two-thirds citing company culture and values as the most important thing to find out about before moving jobs.
“Based on our research, [job seekers’] biggest challenge is not knowing enough about your company or jobs,” said Wendy Murphy, senior HR director for LinkedIn EMEA.
“If you want to hire top talent, then you have to make sure that they are aware of the opportunities at your firm and to let people know what a great place your company is to work.”
Brand ambassadors
The report suggests companies’ current staff often work as key recruiters for them, with nearly half of professionals landing a job through somebody they knew at a company. This could range from letting people know about job openings, right through to informing them about the workplace atmosphere, so using them as “brand ambassadors” is a recommendation.
“Instead of simply posting a job ad with a role description, make sure to tell potential employees about your company’s culture as well,” said Murphy.
Though, considering one-third say they leave when the company culture is not their thing, this could obviously go both ways.
An odd finding was that the area that ranks fifth for ‘what candidates want to know most about your company’ is ‘available roles at the company’ – coming in at 51pc.
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Moving jobs image, via Shutterstock