Irish technology company Version 1 is to create 90 new technology jobs over the next two years, it emerged this morning. The company this morning opened its new headquarters at Millennium House in Dublin 1.
The company is half way through a major 180-job recruitment programme that began in May. Its turnover increased by 40pc to €25m this year.
The company’s managing director Justin Keatinge said Version 1 is forecasting an additional 20pc growth in sales next year.
The company has been privately funded since its inception in 1996 to provide IT consulting and outsourced services to the health, retail, utilities, financial, education and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as the public sector.
The company is Ireland’s only Oracle Platinum Partner and was recognised as the 2011 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year.
“Version 1 is an Irish technology company which has achieved astonishing levels of growth since it established, and today’s announcement that it is creating a further 90 jobs is very welcome,” Enterprise and Jobs Minister Richard Bruton, TD, said this morning.
“Through my department’s capital budget and the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs, I will support more companies like this so that more Irish companies like this can start up, grow and get our country back to work.
“If we are to get out of this crisis and create the levels of employment we need, we must create an indigenous engine of economic growth. Indigenous companies provide proportionately three times more benefit to the Irish economy than multinational companies, and while FDI will remain a crucial part of our economic strategy, I am determined to support high-growth indigenous companies in every way possible,” Bruton said.