You might be only able to get a perfect pint of Guinness in Dublin, but in some bars you might get served a QR Cup of the black stuff.
Last week, AdWeek discovered the Guinness QR Cup created by BBDO New York.
The unique pint glass design presents you with a scannable QR code – but only when you have filled it to the top with Guinness. An empty glass or one filled with a paler drink like ale or lager just won’t do the trick, though chances are you cheat it with a Murphy’s.
Scanning the code will then prompt you to tweet about your pint, update your Facebook status, check in via Foursquare, download coupons and promotions, invite friends to join you for a tipple and launch exclusive content from Guinness.
BBDO came up with the idea in order to make the brand more relevant and encourage discussion in bars. It appears to be working, too, as it claims interactions with the glass have created a buzz on Twitter and brought more people to bars.