Unsurprisingly, searches on Google for ‘gym’, ‘fitness’ and ‘diet’ were at a low over the Christmas holiday period but have shot up to peak position since it ended and new year resolutions began. It seems the concept of ‘new year, new me’ prompts the same old search queries.
Always with one finger on the pulse, Google launched an interactive resolution map as part of its 2012 Zeitgeist website. The map shows resolutions being made across the world under themes like education, career, finance and, of course, health.
Users are invited to submit their own resolution to the map, where it can be translated instantly by Google Translate to be shared around the world.
At the time of writing, Ireland’s place on the map was devoid of resolutions, but that’s not to say they’re not on the agenda. As the recent trends in search terms on Google suggest, getting fit, joining a gym and starting a diet are all popular resolutions among Irish people.
Google searches for the terms ‘fitness’, ‘gym’ and ‘diet’ in Ireland hit a low point on 25 December 2012 and then skyrocketed on 1 January 2013
Google also stepped up to help people on the way with these resolutions. The search giant took four of the most common resolutions (eat better, take control of finances, travel, learn something new) and compiled suggestions to help keep them on track. Largely an exercise in self-promotion, these suggestions involve Google’s wide variety of services, including Google Docs templates available on Google Drive, Android apps, YouTube channels, Google+ Hangouts and Communities, Chrome apps and extensions, and services like Google Finance and Google Flight Search.
Google also gives us this (sort of) motivational video, reminding us that resolutions are made as easily as they are broken.
Workout image via Shutterstock