Bewley’s Hotels to sell meeting rooms online

12 Aug 2009

The Moran Hotel Group, which includes 10 hotels across Ireland and the UK, is now selling meeting rooms online using software. provides hotels with online meeting room software for their own websites. Hotels can choose to manage availability or simply provide instant online quotes.

“It allows us to effectively yield our meeting space and offer our customers an improved service by providing them with access to rates and special meeting room offers online on our own websites” Adrian Sherry, group marketing manager with Moran Hotel Group explained.

As part of the agreement Moran and Bewley’s hotels will also sell their meeting rooms on the portal website.

“We are very excited about this partnership, Moran & Bewley’s Hotels offer excellent meeting facilities,” Ciaran Delaney, managing director, said.

“They are promoting great meeting room deals on our website and also generating strong bookings with our meeting room software on their own websites.”

By John Kennedy

John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years