Eircom group CEO Herb Hribar and Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte at the launch of eVision
“The core of everything we do is to be better value than anybody else is,” said David Thatcher, director of television at Eircom, as the telecommunications provider launches into the TV market.
Eircom’s new eVision TV service will be available from tomorrow to eFibre customers starting at €10 per month for the Essential Pack. This includes 34 channels that Eircom have deemed the most popular in the Irish market, delivered via the free eVision+ set-top box, which will be installed free of charge by specially trained technicians.
With eVision+, viewers can pause and rewind live TV and schedule recordings. The in-built hard drive can store up to 240 hours of standard-definition programming and is capable of recording two programmes at once.
Programming is delivered via Eircom’s eFibre fibre broadband network, which is only available in select locations for the time being. However, eFibre’s reach should extend to 1m homes by June 2014, according to Eircom’s roadmap.
To celebrate the launch of eVision and to encourage early adoption, customers that sign up before 31 December will receive the first six months of their 18-month contract free.
Users can then customise their package with add-ons like HD, sports or movie channels, or multiroom boxes to spread the connection throughout the house. These additions require just a one-month commitment and there are no downgrade fees.
A breakdown of eVision packages and prices (source: Eircom)
The eVision Essential Pack comes in at a very competitive price when there are entry packs with Sky and UPC that cost closer to €30 for services with additional channels. But eVision’s focus is on less channels and a better user experience. With no legacy systems to hold it back, Eircom is afforded the opportunity to start fresh with a bright, bold and user-friendly interface.
Eircom group CEO Herb Hribar describes the TV service as “a true game-changer”, while Kevin White, managing director of group’s consumer division, says the service “will fundamentally change the television landscape in Ireland.”
It’s certainly a big step for Eircom as, with the addition of TV to its services, it is now the only Irish operator providing a ‘quad-play’ bundle for customers, with landline, broadband, mobile and TV in one package.