Firefox is one of the world’s top internet browsers. But behind the success of Firefox is the Mozilla Foundation, which as chairperson Mitchell Baker explains, is driven by its ideals and the pursuit of innovation.
Baker was one of the earliest employees at Netscape and was involved with the Mozilla project to create an open source browser from the outset.
Operating under the title ‘chief lizard wrangler’ (general manager) Baker stayed with the project through a number of upheavals.
After AOL shut down the Netscape division, Baker became president of the Mozilla Foundation.
The Mozilla Corporation was launched as a taxable subsidiary in 2005 and Baker became CEO and held the position until 2008 when she stepped down. She remains chairperson of the Mozilla Foundation.
This year, Baker was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame by the Internet Society.
Mozilla’s Firefox browser is used by almost a quarter of the world’s internet population.