There are many myths knocking about that survive the test of time despite all logical – and scientific – evidence to the contrary.
The ‘flat Earth’ rubbish that circulated the internet over the past year showed just how easy it is for ludicrous, heavily debunked ideas to continue to thrive.
All it takes is a few retweets, a celebrity endorsement and a slow news day for ideas like this to spread, despite absolutely everything pointing people in the opposite direction on the True/False scale.
Visual aid
These anomalies were detailed in The Guardian recently but, to emphasise the plethora of myths – some silly, some genuinely surprising – MyOffers has produced a nice infographic detailing 30 that we really should do away with.
For example, some of us know the old adage of never eating just before swimming, as it results in cramps. It’s not true – although, from personal experience, swimming on a really full stomach is a terrible idea.
Other surprising myths such as Mercury being the hottest planet in our solar system, bananas growing on trees and fingernails growing after you’re dead are also suitably dashed.
Irish influence
We previously looked at certain myths perpetrated by Irish mammies down the years, following news of a genuine patent for a new product co-authored by the mother of Prof Mike Hinchey, director of Lero.
Eating carrots to see in the dark, hats trapping heat in your body, kidney infections coming from sitting on cold walls and Vitamin C curing a cold are all common beliefs, based on myth.
Below is the latest list of factoids, and you can click on the infographic to view it in a bigger format if that’s your thing.
Myth image via Shutterstock