Fresh from the success of its annual dot conf event last week, the National College of Ireland in Dublin’s IFSC has boosted resources in the areas of cloud computing and digital media.
The college has appointed a new head of its Cloud Competency Centre, Dr Horacio González-Vélez.
González-Vélez joins NCI from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. He is a recognised expert on cloud computing for the BCS, the UK Chartered Institute for IT.
The move comes just weeks after NCI launched a 26-week part-time course in digital marketing. The course has been fully accredited by HETAC at Level 8 (degree level) on the National Framework of Qualifications.
By the end of the course, students will have created a digital marketing strategy and will know how to embed and champion this within their own organisations.
Seasoned digital media experts who form the lecturing team include entrepreneurial expert Etain Kidney, digital marketing practitioner Anne Marie Boyhan, social media expert Christian Hughes, marketing expert Kirstie McDermott, UX designer Randall Snare and digital strategist Dena Walker.