Whether you’re on Facebook or Twitter, Tumblr of LinkedIn, you know how awful a badly cropped profile picture or header image can look. So, just for you, here’s all the information you need.
The header across your Twitter page doesn’t suit your portrait image on LinkedIn, images used in stories throughout newsfeeds on Facebook can’t be thumbnails logos in LinkedIn.
While most websites have their own built-in metrics to stretch, squeeze and crop images accordingly, it can still leave them looking rather messy and unattractive.
Social media image sizes
From a web designer’s point of view, relative conformity with major communication tools like these can help, too, as people adapt to what they see, and technology largely evolves into more user-friendly devices.
With this, Make A Website Hub’s incredibly helpful infographic listing image guidelines for Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and even the somehow not forgotten Google+ should make for interesting reading.
Main image of photo editing via Shutterstock