Google makes it easier to search for animated GIF images

20 Mar 2013

Image via J-Brony on deviantART

Fans of the graphics interchange format, better known as the GIF, are today rejoicing Google’s decision to add a filter for animated images to its image search facility, making it so much easier to find just the right moving image to express ourselves.

The new ‘Animated’ filter can be selected from a drop-down menu of image types below the Google Images search bar, once the ‘Search tools’ button is selected. Other filters available include ‘Face’, ‘Photo’, ‘Clip art’ and ‘Line drawing’, but we all know that animated GIFs are the most important resource on the internet today.

Without them, Tumblr would be a barren wasteland and forum users would have to type actual words into a post instead of letting Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard ask the tough questions, or anyone with sunglasses tell someone to ‘deal with it’, or a sassy strut keep the haters at bay.

Google Images - animated image search filter

Images remain static on the main search results page, but when you click through on an individual result you’ll get to preview your GIF of choice, such as these great GIFs of the internet’s favourite cat.

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

Grumpy Cat gif

While you may think this was all just an excuse to bring you an article filled with Grumpy Cat GIFs, the important thing is that Oscar-winner Christoph Waltz can forever spin a ukulele on his crotch and your argument is invalid.

Christoph Waltz silly dance gif

Main image by J-Brony, via deviantART

Elaine Burke is the host of For Tech’s Sake, a co-production from Silicon Republic and The HeadStuff Podcast Network. She was previously the editor of Silicon Republic.