12 PlayStation gift boxes to find on streets of Dublin

16 Dec 2010

Sony Computer Entertainment will be leaving 12 gift boxes full of PlayStation consoles and games on the streets of Dublin for lucky people to find and claim for their own this Christmas.

Throughout today and tomorrow, people should keep their eyes peeled for PlayStation Christmas gift boxes, which have been dropped onto 12 random locations across Dublin city centre.

Within the boxes will be gaming prizes, including PlayStation 3 consoles, PlayStation Move Starter Packs, PSPs and a selection of PlayStation games.

Clues will be given on the locations of the prizes on the Sony PlayStation Ireland Facebook page.  They post Google Maps images on the site, marking the spot where the next gift box can be found.

The fastest and most thorough seekers are sure to have a merry Christmas this year. Just try to not get too over zealous when hunting down your giftbox.