Gigglebit: Real-life Star Wars drone chase!

27 Dec 2014

Gigglebit is Siliconrepublic’s daily dose of the funny and fantastic in science and tech, to help start your day on a lighter note.

While the trailer for next year’s Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens earlier this month made fans go absolutely crazy, a group of French drone designers and engineers made something a little less ‘far, far away’, that is, a drone race similar to the one seen in the iconic film series.

With all the drones taking part having an on-board camera, the amazing scenes of the drones whizzing around the trees is enough to whet the appetite of any science-fiction fan.

The pilots of these buzzing machines are sadly not R2D2-like autonomous robots, but the designers themselves.

The competition for first place in one of the first ever drone races was fierce.

Colm Gorey was a senior journalist with Silicon Republic