Most US children want an iPad for Christmas, with a general interest for a computer coming second, research has shown.
Nielsen undertook the survey of American children aged 6-12 and teenagers aged 13 and up.
“Given the continued pressure on consumer spending, it is difficult to know how robust a holiday season this will be for tech devices, but this survey suggests the electronics aisle will be heavily travelled this season,” said the research group in a blog entry.
For the 6 to 12 audience, 31pc want an iPad for Christmas.
A general wish for a computer came next, with 29pc of survey participants wanting one. This tied with the iPod touch, which Nielsen noted surpassed hand-held games consoles on the list.
The Nintendo DS was on 25pc of children’s wishlists and a PlayStation 3 was most wanted for 21pc of participants.
The PlayStation 3 is competing with smartphones and general mobile phones, as the research showed 21pc of participants also wanted these devices.
In terms of the new motion-based controllers hitting the market, 17pc of children want the PlayStation Move and 14pc want the Xbox Kinect.
Nielsen pointed out that interest was gathered before Microsoft launched its large media campaign for the Kinect, so interest could have changed since in this regard.
Among teenagers aged 13 and up, computers topped the list, attracting 20pc of survey participants.
The wish for a TV or a smartphone tied at 19pc and the iPad was popular again at 18pc.
Some 17pc of teenagers want a Blu-ray player and 15pc want an e-reader.
Among teenagers, the Nintendo Wii was the most popular games console, attracting 15pc of survey participants.
The PlayStation 3 was wanted by 13pc of participants and the Xbox 360 reached 9pc.
Some 9pc want the PlayStation Move controller and 8pc want the Kinect.
More details of the statistics and what’s hot this year for children and teenagers can be found on Nielsen’s blog.