Zerg Rush gobbles up your Google search

27 Apr 2012

An interesting new Easter Egg has surfaced in Google searches that turns your search into a video game. And this time it doesn’t appear to have originated with Google, but seems to advertise the Opera browser. Called Zerg Rush, a hat tip to wave attacks found in video games, it gobbles up the search screen and you have to rush with your cursor to defeat the attack.

Just type ‘Zerg Rush’ into a Google search and see what happens.

Lots of capital ‘O’ letters descend on the screen and gradually gobble up all the words and images. One of the ‘O’ letters is distinctly similar to the ‘O’ on web browser firm Opera’s branding.

You can fight the ‘Os’ by moving your cursor as a target and zapping them.

Once everything has disappeared from the screen, two giant letters ‘GG’ appear and you can check your overall score and share it on Google+.

Indeed, Opera tweeted on Twitter this morning, thanking a certain @mithaldu for sharing the Easter Egg.


John Kennedy is a journalist who served as editor of Silicon Republic for 17 years
